All important information at a glance!

1. general information about the Twitch market

Specialization: Twitch is specifically designed for live streaming, especially for gaming and lifestyle. YouTube serves a wider range of scripted on-demand video content.

Twitch offers a wide range of live streaming content, dominated by gaming broadcasts ranging from Let's Plays to e-sports events. In addition to gaming, however, there are also creative streams in which artists show their work, musicians perform live and content creators are active in the fields of entertainment, cooking or fitness.

Twitch streamers often build a closer relationship with their viewership thanks to regular interaction and sharing personal experiences in real time.

2. target group to be reached on Twitch via streamboost ads

The Twitch community is characterized by a predominantly young viewership, with 73% of all users between the ages of 18 and 34, with a significant male majority (approx. 70%); at the same time, however, the proportion of female viewers is growing and the platform is becoming more diverse in terms of age groups and areas of interest.

The Twitch community is generally considered to be very receptive to advertising, with around 80% of viewers generally open to ads and brand partnerships that actively support their favorite streamers and are integrated organically and natively into the live streaming content.

The Twitch community's willingness to buy varies, with certain segments, such as avid fans of content creators, tending to be open to products and services endorsed by their favorite streamers. 64% of the German Twitch community stated that they had already purchased a product that was recommended to them by a streamer.

The Twitch community is characterized by active user behaviour, with viewers interacting live with streamers, exchanging ideas in chats and consuming a diverse range of live streaming content, mainly in the gaming sector. On average, a Twitch viewer spends 102 minutes a day watching the streams. On Instagram, by comparison, it is just under 23 minutes per day.

Especially with small streamers, an intensive parasocial bond often develops, with viewers establishing an emotional connection to the streamers through regular live interactions and personal exchanges, which goes far beyond mere watching and can be equated to a kind of friendship.

3. the importance for companies to be represented on this channel

It is crucial for companies to be present on Twitch and become part of the young generation, as the platform offers a unique opportunity to reach an engaged audience through live streaming interactions and creative content formats in a sustainable way, which can lead to authentic brand connections and potential customer loyalties.

Companies can differentiate themselves on Twitch by placing targeted ads to integrate their products or services into live streams, enabling direct, authentic targeting that can lead to effective brand exposure. Since the Twitch market is still hidden for many companies, brands benefit from a pole position in their industry.

Sustainable and future-proof advertising communication of brands on Twitch can be achieved by integrating authentic, interactive forms of advertising into live streams and by working with streamers to build a long-term, engaged community connection and reach the young Gen Z&Y at eye level.

The first-mover effect on Twitch can be beneficial for businesses, as early engagement gives them the opportunity to build a unique brand presence, gain a loyal viewership and potentially secure a competitive advantage on an emerging platform.

4. use Twitch for employee recruitment

Twitch as a platform enables successful employer branding by allowing companies to advertise specifically in live streams in order to offer authentic insights into the work culture, appeal to potential talent and promote a positive brand perception as an attractive employer.

Twitch enables companies, especially in STEM professions, to recruit successfully by presenting their job vacancies in a targeted manner and using creative advertising formats to directly address a technology-savvy target group and encourage them to apply.

5. everything you need to know about streamers

1-50 average live viewers per stream

50-500 average live viewers per stream

from 500 average live viewers per stream

  1. Broader target group coverage: Addressing diverse viewer segments through a variety of small streamers.
  2. Cost efficiency: Lower costs per engagement compared to expensive deals with large streamers.
  3. Authentic interactions: Smaller streamers often maintain personal relationships with their community, friendly relationships.
  4. Lower risk: If a small streamer does trigger a shitstorm, the reach and the associated media response is negligible to non-existent. A large streamer with e.g. 10,000 live viewers represents a much greater risk here, especially for the reputation of the advertised brand. Therefore, this requires more detailed onboarding.
  5. Geographic targeting: Geographic correlation between viewers and small streamers, as viewers often come from the streamer's personal or regional environment, which strengthens local brand loyalty.
  6. A feeling of exclusivity: Smaller streamers can convey advertising messages in such a way that they appear more exclusive and personal, which can strengthen brand loyalty.
  7. Quick adaptability: In the event of negative feedback or poor performance, it is easier to adjust or terminate strategies for individual small streamers without breaking long-term contracts.

6 Streamboost Ads specific questions

streamboost works directly with streamers and integrates ads organically into the appropriate content. Streamers are actively supported by streamboost and receive intensive training and support. There is no minimum budget or minimum term for advertising campaigns with streamboost. Brands are perceived as sponsors of the stream and supporters of their favorite creator.

Amazon (Twitch) places the ads in the form of videos mainly in the form of pre-roll & mid-roll ads. (Advertising videos that interrupt the live stream in full screen and appear randomly. The streamers and viewers have no influence on this.

Find out more

Display Ads:
- 300 x 250 pixels
- File size: max. 1,5 MB
- Number of ad banners: 1-3 (carousel rotation every 3 minutes)
- Creation of a journey possible
- QR codes possible for additional high engagement
- Use sufficiently large font and logo size
- Not clickable

Chat Ads:
- 300 x 250 pixels
- File size: max. 1,5 MB
- Number of Ads Banners: 1
- Call to Action recommended: e.g. "Click here for more info"
- Clickable

Click Ads:
- 150 text characters incl. Link
- Clickable

Direct sponsorships with selected major macro streamers:
Bring your brand individually and creatively onto the canvas of the big streamer stars. Book targeted Twitch streamers and advertise beyond classic ad placements. Including the live presentation of your brand and playful presentation.

Events and trade fairs:
Be a part of the biggest trade fairs and events in gaming, esports and the influencer world. We offer selected brands the opportunity to be up close and personal and become a part of the event in the form of sponsorship. Example: As a sponsor at Gamescom 2024 on the streamboost stand.

Semantic analysis:
Find out how your brand or product is perceived in the community and gain valuable insights into the performance of your campaign using semantic analysis.

Micro/medium streamer:
For classic ads campaigns, we select exactly the right streamers for your target group and campaign settings from over 12,000 streamers so that your ads are displayed to exactly the right viewers. Small streamers have a particularly close connection to their communities and can highlight your brand particularly effectively. Depending on the campaign volume, several hundred streamers can advertise your campaign at the same time.

Macro streamer:
In addition to our classic ads, you have the option of booking selected major streamers for individual sponsorships and creative influencer campaigns. Details can be discussed with streamboost's campaign management and a joint streamer selection can be made.

Because our billing prices are fixed according to CPM and CPC, you can easily scale and book your campaign reach in advance. Depending on the desired reach, a corresponding number of streamers are assigned to the campaign. Daily optimization of this process ensures that your booked reach can be targeted with the appropriate intensity and distribution at the end of the term.

We do not have a minimum budget! You alone determine the level of your ads campaigns. We only charge for the actual reach achieved, according to the following formats:

Display Ads:
Billing by CPM (thousand in-stream ad impressions reached): 10€ JPEG/PNG & 20€ GIF

Chat Ads:
Billing according to CPC (click on the link): 0,80€

Click Ads: Billing according to CPC (click on the banner below the stream): €0.80

Prices for our additional services (6.4) depend on the scope of the service and can be requested on request.

Both CPM and CPC billing are fixed and are always billed at the same level.

Yes, with every campaign you have the option of actively selecting which streaming and gaming categories, including gender and age structure, you want to target and which you want to exclude because they don't fit the brand, for example.

The advertising budget can be split between display and click ads as a percentage at your own discretion and is therefore based on the selected ratio. Important: A maximum of 40% of the advertising budget per Ads campaign can be set for clickable elements.

Yes, you can pause and restart campaigns at any time via your dashboard. The campaign budget is not used up during this time.

Yes, you can upload new advertising banners to your current campaign at any time and replace existing banners as you wish.

Yes, streamboost Ads are 100% AdBlock-protected and cannot be bypassed by viewers. This applies to all our advertising formats.

You determine the duration of your Ads campaigns yourself. Your ad is aimed at the reach you have booked and only disappears when the daily quota of clicks and ad impressions has been used up. Displayed again by default the next day.

No, the streamers of your campaign are not obliged to actively talk about your brand or the advertising. However, our streamers are remunerated based on performance and trained in how to address their community correctly. Accordingly, interest in active and authentic brand advertising tends to be very high among our Creators.

Yes, you can run as many Ads campaigns as you like at any time via your dashboard and allocate your total budget as you see fit. This allows you to easily target different target groups, change ad banners and/or test landing pages.

Do you still have questions?
We will be happy to help you!

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