
Advertising platform

for ads on Twitch

Trusted by
130+ Brands

| streamboost

The leading ads manager for advertising on Twitch

streamboost Ads makes advertising on Twitch uncomplicated and successful by enabling brands to hit the hearts of the interactive gaming and streaming community with their advertising message and stand out from traditional advertising measures. Our platform brings together over 12,000 German-speaking streamers and uses advanced data analysis to connect them with the right ad campaigns for specific target groups in order to achieve maximum brand awareness and engagement. We transform companies into GenZ&Y love brands and enable ambitious streamers to monetize their Twitch content fairly by seamlessly and authentically integrating exciting brands into their livestreams.

The home base for streamers and brands


As a Twitch streamer, would you like to monetize your content through ads and be sponsored by great brands?

✔ 100% free of charge
✔ Possible from as few as 5 spectators
✔ Already over 12,000 streamers


Bring your brand to Twitch and reach Generation Z&Y where they really are. Inspire with creative ad campaigns and become a Love Brand!

✔ Simple Ads Manager
✔ 100% scalable media booking
✔ No minimum budget or service costs


Expand your media offering and offer your customers the best opportunity to advertise on Twitch. Use streamboost Ads free of charge and benefit from various agency advantages!

| Streamer & Brands

We connect Twitch

Discover your all-in-one advertising platform with its own campaign manager. We merge artificial intelligence and detailed streaming analytics to create the perfect connection between Twitch streamers and matching ad campaigns.

| Your new ads manager


Our platform, developed over 5 years, combines influencer marketing from the streaming world with modern IT and creates new opportunities in the field of digital advertising. Intelligent matchmaking, automated ad placements, live statistics and data analysis for successful advertising campaigns are available to your company with our platform.











As an advertiser, we offer you two simple ways to effectively advertise your business on Twitch. The first path leads you through our Ads Manager, a free tool that allows you to design your campaigns from A to Z yourself. You can define target groups, set your budget and choose from various advertising formats. You will also find real-time evaluations of completed and ongoing campaigns in your dashboard.

If you are looking for an even more specific strategy, we offer you the option of having your campaigns set up and managed by our experienced team. After a personal consultation in which we precisely define your wishes and goals, we will develop a campaign tailored to your needs. This service covers everything from the conception to the implementation and analysis of your advertising campaigns, so you can sit back and look forward to the results.

  1. Broader target group coverage: Addressing diverse viewer segments through a variety of small streamers.
  2. Cost efficiency: Lower costs per engagement compared to expensive deals with large streamers.
  3. Authentic interactions: Smaller streamers often maintain personal relationships with their community, friendly relationships.
  4. Lower risk: If a small streamer does trigger a shitstorm, the reach and the associated media response is negligible to non-existent. A large streamer with e.g. 10,000 live viewers represents a much greater risk here, especially for the reputation of the advertised brand. Therefore, this requires more detailed onboarding.
  5. Geographic targeting: Geographic correlation between viewers and small streamers, as viewers often come from the streamer's personal or regional environment, which strengthens local brand loyalty.
  6. A feeling of exclusivity: Smaller streamers can convey advertising messages in such a way that they appear more exclusive and personal, which can strengthen brand loyalty.
  7. Quick adaptability: In the event of negative feedback or poor performance, it is easier to adjust or terminate strategies for individual small streamers without breaking long-term contracts.

Micro/medium streamer:
For classic ads campaigns, we select exactly the right streamers for your target group and campaign settings from over 12,000 streamers so that your ads are displayed to exactly the right viewers. Small streamers have a particularly close connection to their communities and can highlight your brand particularly effectively. Depending on the campaign volume, several hundred streamers can advertise your campaign at the same time.

Macro streamer:
In addition to our classic ads, you have the option of booking selected major streamers for individual sponsorships and creative influencer campaigns. Details can be discussed with streamboost's campaign management and a joint streamer selection can be made.

Because our billing prices are fixed according to CPM and CPC, you can easily scale and book your campaign reach in advance. Depending on the desired reach, a corresponding number of streamers are assigned to the campaign. Daily optimization of this process ensures that your booked reach can be targeted with the appropriate intensity and distribution at the end of the term.

Yes, with every campaign you have the option of actively selecting which streaming and gaming categories, including gender and age structure, you want to target and which you want to exclude because they don't fit the brand, for example.

Yes, streamboost Ads are 100% AdBlock-protected and cannot be bypassed by viewers. This applies to all our advertising formats.

All FAQ's


Book your personal demo and discover our ads formats live and free of charge!


Advertising platform

for ads on Twitch

Trusted by
130+ Brands


| streamboost

The leading ads manager for advertising on Twitch

streamboost Ads makes advertising on Twitch uncomplicated and successful by enabling brands to hit the hearts of the interactive gaming and streaming community with their advertising message and stand out from traditional advertising measures. Our platform brings together over 12,000 German-speaking streamers and uses advanced data analysis to connect them with the right ad campaigns for specific target groups in order to achieve maximum brand awareness and engagement. We transform companies into GenZ&Y love brands and enable ambitious streamers to monetize their Twitch content fairly by seamlessly and authentically integrating exciting brands into their livestreams.

The home base for streamers and brands


As a Twitch streamer, would you like to monetize your content through ads and be sponsored by great brands?

✔ 100% free of charge
✔ Possible for as few as 5 spectators
✔ Already over 12,000 streamers


Bring your brand to Twitch and reach Generation Z&Y where they really are. Inspire with creative ad campaigns and become a Love Brand!

✔ Simple Ads Manager
✔ 100% scalable media booking
✔ No minimum budget or service costs


Expand your media offering and offer your customers the best opportunity to advertise on Twitch. Use streamboost Ads free of charge and benefit from various agency advantages!

| Streamer & Brands

We connect Twitch

Discover your all-in-one advertising platform with its own campaign manager. We merge artificial intelligence and detailed streaming analytics to create the perfect connection between Twitch streamers and matching ad campaigns.

| Your new ads manager


Our platform, developed over 5 years, combines influencer marketing from the streaming world with modern IT and creates new opportunities in the field of digital advertising. Intelligent matchmaking, automated ad placements, live statistics and data analysis for successful advertising campaigns are available to your company with our platform.











As an advertiser, we offer you two simple ways to effectively advertise your business on Twitch. The first path leads you through our Ads Manager, a free tool that allows you to design your campaigns from A to Z yourself. You can define target groups, set your budget and choose from various advertising formats. You will also find real-time evaluations of completed and ongoing campaigns in your dashboard.

If you are looking for an even more specific strategy, we offer you the option of having your campaigns set up and managed by our experienced team. After a personal consultation in which we precisely define your wishes and goals, we will develop a campaign tailored to your needs. This service covers everything from the conception to the implementation and analysis of your advertising campaigns, so you can sit back and look forward to the results.

  1. Broader target group coverage: Addressing diverse viewer segments through a variety of small streamers.
  2. Cost efficiency: Lower costs per engagement compared to expensive deals with large streamers.
  3. Authentic interactions: Smaller streamers often maintain personal relationships with their community, friendly relationships.
  4. Lower risk: If a small streamer does trigger a shitstorm, the reach and the associated media response is negligible to non-existent. A large streamer with e.g. 10,000 live viewers represents a much greater risk here, especially for the reputation of the advertised brand. Therefore, this requires more detailed onboarding.
  5. Geographic targeting: Geographic correlation between viewers and small streamers, as viewers often come from the streamer's personal or regional environment, which strengthens local brand loyalty.
  6. A feeling of exclusivity: Smaller streamers can convey advertising messages in such a way that they appear more exclusive and personal, which can strengthen brand loyalty.
  7. Quick adaptability: In the event of negative feedback or poor performance, it is easier to adjust or terminate strategies for individual small streamers without breaking long-term contracts.

Micro/medium streamer:
For classic ads campaigns, we select exactly the right streamers for your target group and campaign settings from over 12,000 streamers so that your ads are displayed to exactly the right viewers. Small streamers have a particularly close connection to their communities and can highlight your brand particularly effectively. Depending on the campaign volume, several hundred streamers can advertise your campaign at the same time.

Macro streamer:
In addition to our classic ads, you have the option of booking selected major streamers for individual sponsorships and creative influencer campaigns. Details can be discussed with streamboost's campaign management and a joint streamer selection can be made.

Because our billing prices are fixed according to CPM and CPC, you can easily scale and book your campaign reach in advance. Depending on the desired reach, a corresponding number of streamers are assigned to the campaign. Daily optimization of this process ensures that your booked reach can be targeted with the appropriate intensity and distribution at the end of the term.

Yes, with every campaign you have the option of actively selecting which streaming and gaming categories, including gender and age structure, you want to target and which you want to exclude because they don't fit the brand, for example.

Yes, streamboost Ads are 100% AdBlock-protected and cannot be bypassed by viewers. This applies to all our advertising formats.

All FAQ's


Book your personal demo and discover our ads formats live and free of charge!

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